Impacting the life of children


International Food Festival

We showcase dishes unique to various cultures which represents the KRIS Foundations’ diversity. Join our event to have a taste of your favorite cultural dish, or learn about a new dish you have never tried before.

Annual Event


Gingerbread Build-Off

In preparation for the holidays, USA teams and the Philippines teams all join together for the Gingerbread Build-Off! We get to see each others’ masterpieces through video and vote for our favorite Gingerbread house.

Annual Event


KRIS Foundation Presents

Online web presentation where we get to tell our story, we want to connect with you. To find out more about who we are and meet Krissy, the orphan girl who dreamed the KRIS Foundation into reality, and Lirio our CEO, join our web presentation.

Quarterly Event


Monthly Giving


One-Time Giving

Start a Fundraiser


Buy a gift for a child.