Care for Orphanages
Our Projects:
Sweets for the Holidays | “Lift Up the Orphans” Mission Trips | Happy Play-ces
Rice for Orphanages | Basic Needs Aid
SWEETS FOR THE HOLIDAYS began as a young girl’s heartfelt mission to spread joy to children in orphanages through sweets parties. This simple yet powerful act of kindness grew into a movement that touched countless lives and became the inspiration behind the founding of the KRIS Charitable Foundation.
Experience the transformative power of compassion through Lift Up the Orphans (LUTO) overseas missionary trips. These biennial journeys offer individuals and families the opportunity to make a tangible difference: visit orphanages to connect directly with children, build playgrounds, volunteer at free medical and dental clinics, distribute essential food and clothing, teach oral hygiene through KRIS Smilecare sessions, and engage in numerous community outreach activities. Return home not only with unforgettable memories but also as a changed person, having uplifted the lives of orphans and struggling families in impoverished communities.
For info, email us at info@kidsriseinspiresoar.org
Happy Play-ces playgrounds give orphans a fun and safe place to play. They provide enjoyment, fitness, socialization and community outreach opportunities.
This playground was built at the KIDS-KRIS Campus, Philippines in 2019. KRIS has been building orphanage playgrounds since 2013.
This basketball court was built at the Village of Hope orphanage in the Philippines in 2015.
Rice for Orphanages
We donate rice to orphanages all year round.
Rice is the staple food for most Asian countries. Hunger is satisfied with just a little bit of rice. A 100-lb rice feeds an orphanage with 100 children for 2 days. It costs about $50 or 25cents/child/day.
The Basics Aid
We collect gently used clothes, shoes, books, toothbrushes and toothpaste year-round and ship them to orphanages.
Sweets for the Holidays
Lift Up the Orphans
Happy Play-ces
Rice for Orphanages

The Basics Aid

Make a donation.
Become a part of a child’s life with a contribution from your heart.
Many ways you can contribute from monthly commitments to donation of used clothing. One-time donations are definitely an option. Click the donate button below and follow the prompts!